Women's Events for 2024-2025
Ladies, Please Join in the Fun

Here’s the schedule of events we have lined up as of now.

• November 21 Fall Prayer and Praise
• December 5-6 Auxilliary Garage Sale with the community-wide sale
• January 23 Women's Retreat - Morning/afternoon session with catered lunch - Jen Vogel, speaker
• February 2-9 Camp Meeting all day every day
• February 17 Men’s Appreciation Breakfast
• March 13 Strawberry Shortcake Festival
• March 27 Ladies' Chat
• April 10 Spring Prayer and Praise

Avon Park 86th Encampment Coming February 2-9, 2025
Call the office to make your reservations

Daily Preaching Services, Bible Study, Missionary Moment and Music Ministry.

Evangelists: Dr. Lenny Wisehart and Rev. Ron Smith; Bible Teacher: Dr. Chris Bounds; Song Evangelist: Brian Arner

OMS Missionaries: Darryl and Kelly Chambers from Ecuador.

WGM Missionaries: Gabe Ernst from Paraguay.   


86th Annual Encampment

Schedule of Events

Avon Park Camp - 86th Annual Encampment

February 2-9, 2025

Brochures are available in the Avon Park Office.

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Welcome to our Missionaries

OMS and WGM missionaries will speak during camp meeting

We welcome OMS missionaries Darryl and Kelly Chambers from Ecuador and WGM missionary Gabe Ernst from Paraguay for our camp meeting in 2025.

Darryl and Kelly Chambers from Ecuador

While attending the 100th anniversary celebration of One Mission Society in July 2001, Darryl and Kelly experienced a call on their lives to go into full-time missionary service. In May 2005, along with their children Josh and Courtney, they left Texas to begin their ministry in Quito, Ecuador.

Darryl and Kelly work as district liaisons in the central district of Ecuador. As liaisons, they work directly with 17 churches, providing support in various ways to help strengthen and multiply those churches.  “We have been so blessed to walk alongside our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters, providing support and encouragement to them and working together to reach the lost.”

The Chambers also run the OMS guest house in Quito. They are responsible for providing lodging and meals for teams with OMS, as well as other mission organizations that go to Ecuador for short-term ministry. They said over the past eight years, God has given them the privilege of investing their lives into hundreds of people who have come to Ecuador in obedience to God’s direction in their lives, and it has been a tremendous blessing to work alongside so many incredible people in the building of His kingdom in Ecuador.

It is through the faithfulness and generosity of God’s people that the Chambers family continues to fulfill His call to missions. They said, “We have been so blessed to be a part of what God is doing around the world. We have been inspired daily by those who have dedicated their lives to Christ’s service. We praise God for the impact they have had on our lives and for the privilege He has given us to serve Him in Ecuador.”

Gabe Ernst from Paraguay

“I will go. Here I am, Lord. Send me.”

From a young age, the Lord began calling me to follow His will. Many times, He used the influence of others in my life. Most evident is my strong, Christian family with generational roots of pastors and missionaries. When I was in middle school, the Lord called me to go on multiple short-term trips in the U.S. and abroad which lasted throughout high school. I began seeing perspectives from the global church and seeing God’s heart for all peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations to be reached by the Good News and light of Jesus.

When I started attending Asbury University, I began growing immensely in my faith and practicing ministry even more on and off campus. I participated in a three-month midterm experience with WGM in Paraguay during the summer of 2021. The Holy Spirit met me countless times through various ministries and miracles I witnessed. The call of God was so evident in the middle of that summer to return to Paraguay full-time to serve others so they might know Jesus. Jesus called me very clearly and said, “Will you serve with me for my kingdom’s cause, Gabe? Will you shine my light in the darkest places?”

I am in ministry today because I feel a deep sense of urgency and importance to meet the needs of others in the name of Jesus while also evangelizing and discipling them. Saying yes to Jesus opens many doors for the purpose of His kingdom and Gospel to reach all people.

I began serving in Paraguay in January 2023 and am involved in discipleship ministries through the local evangelical churches with youth and young adults, and community development and church planting among the indigenous peoples, specifically with the Ava Guaraní, Mbya Guaraní, and Aché tribes.

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